Loving on Empty

There are days when I am tired and have nothing else to give. And the words of Jesus, to love someone else who wants something from me, something that I don’t have, seem impossible.

““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.””

‭‭John‬ ‭13:34-35‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Dallas Willard talks about a fight or flight tendency of those whose life is not transformed by Jesus. He speaks of ‘assault (acting against what is good for them, even with their consent) or withdrawal (regarding their well-being and goodness as matters of indifference, perhaps going so far as to despise them).’ – (Becoming Christlike through Renovation of the Heart: Day 11 • Devotional)

When things are good such behavior may not be readily apparent. But what about the difficult times?  What happens when I am exhausted, fearful, angry, broken?  It is comes near or these moments that the deepest parts of my character emerge.  And it is here that the fight or flight reaction can hurt those closest to me.

This makes sense, because when I am empty I am exposed. My spirit can feel like it is hanging out there like an exposed nerve beneath a cracked tooth.  Anything that  demands of me or even comes near can trigger this reaction.

Stressful situations at work or with finances can quickly be the trigger for the bad mood or quick temper with a child.  Anxiety and fear about my health or safety can cause me to cut off family and friends or worse.

A new command from Jesus calls me to love others as He loves me.  This removes the fight or flight option and forces me to confront my own emptiness. 

When I am walking in the Spirit I am full, regardless of my circumstances. When I am immersed in the love of Jesus His character overflows out of the depths of my being. 

Practically this means when I experience stress and anxiety I bring this to Jesus and let His shalom (peace) fills me to overflowing. When the world terrifies me or threatens to undo me, I fix my eyes on Jesus and trust in His provision and protection.

The next time you have nothing left to give make sure to turn your heart to Jesus and let His love fill you to overflowing. You cannot love on empty, but through Jesus, you can always love from abundance.

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