God Messages

We have been experimenting with Spirit led encouragement, exhortation, direction, and most important love. The general idea is – as a community we gather in prayer, sit in silence, and then as the Spirit leads, we share a message from God to another in the community. In many respects this is a prophetic act.

Spiritual Scanning – One way to practice this, is to scan the community one at a time in prayer. Quietly think about each member of the community, and let your mind rest with them and see if your spirit stirs. If nothing then move on. But if something is moving sit with it. You may receive an image, a word or phrase, a passage of Scripture, a question… then use the rule of three… set it aside and keep in prayer. If it continues to surface… then it may be the Spirit bringing a message through you.

Humility – As you share, wait for your turn, and then share in humility, as this needs to be confirmed / discerned by the community. The message may also be part of other people’s messages so if one person is sharing make sure to give space to others to discern or add to the current message before moving on to someone else.

Few Will Share – As we gather it is important to remember that often only a few people may share and only a few people may receive a message. Not everyone should share. It is also important to note that some messages from the Spirit may be best to share in a one on one situation – use wisdom and care… Yet, as one is sharing, everyone else should be actively praying for discernment and corresponding / affirming messages.

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