
What are the stories of perseverance in you life?

Everyone has them. Sometimes they are funny sometimes heart breaking. But there is something about life that has built-in a deep drive to keep moving forward despite whatever obstacles are placed in the way.

In a very real way, faith and perseverance are synonymous. Those who believe in the God of the universe who is near and intimate while simultaneously often hidden and quiet are on a perpetual journey riddled with obstacles, uncertainties and doubts. Yet, in the midst of, often our darkest places, the light of life is there. The Son of God, who is the light of the world, walks with us cares for us, guides us, and strengthens us.

The rubber meets the road in those relationships that are most valuable, our children, spouse, siblings, parents, friends… For many of us our deepest prayers are for loved ones who are lost or suffering. And these can also be the most difficult and even despairing. The sickness rages on month after month. The self-destructive addiction persists in an endless downward cycle. The hardened heart refuses  even open up to the possibility that God’s love is real. It can be terribly difficult to keep moving forward in faith.

What am I struggling forward to continue to pray and believe will change despite overwhelming odds, doubt, uncertainty?

What have I put down because the repeated failure or lack of answer has become too painful and I am too tired to carry it any longer?

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