BELLS Groups


Acting our way into a new way of thinking…

B=Bless x 3—Each week bless at least one person inside the community; at least one person outside the community; 1 either way.

E=Eat x 3—Each week share a meal with others within the community; share a meal with someone outside the community; another meal either way.

L=Listen x 1 hour—Spend at least one hour being attentive to God, some act of listening.  Other forms of prayer on top of this.

L=Learn—(This is more than being taught.) Cycle through the gospels and then study another book of the Bible, i.e. MT, MK, LK, JN, 1 COR, MT, MK, LK, JN, LEV, etc.

S=Sent—Invite them to imagine themselves as “sent ones”  (mission)

Everyone journals through the prayer of examen each night:

·        How did I advance the cause of Jesus today?

·        How did I resist Jesus today?

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