Category Archives: News

Plagues and Paganism

We no longer live in a Judeo Christian world, but rather a pagan world with a pantheon of gods that people worship. The idea of one true God that determines morality, identity, and purpose is rejected. This is even true of people who claim to be Christians. The Jewish conflict with the pagan world can

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Holy Saturday

For the last 1,600 years, Christiansaround the world remember the lastdays of Jesus’ life during Holy Week.Today is Holy Saturday. Holy Saturday remembers the day Jesus rested in histomb. We know relatively little aboutwhat happened during the day Jesus layburied in his tomb. Read more –

Good Friday

For the last 1,600 years, Christians around the world remember the last days of Jesus’ life during Holy Week. Today is Good Friday. Good Friday remembers the day Jesus was condemned by Pilate, crucified on a cross, and buried in a tomb. The Jewish court system has found Jesus guilty of blasphemy and deserving of

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Maundy Thursday

For the last 1,600 years, Christians around the world remember the lastdays of Jesus’ life during Holy Week.Today is Maundy Thursday. ‘Maundy’comes from a Latin word that means“covenant.” Maundy Thursday remembers the day Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples and gave them anew covenant. Read more